New Boat Commissioning Guide

Maverick Yachts New Boats Commissioning


New boat commissioning from Maverick Yachts is a dynamic process that combines your desires and experience with the expertise and drive for excellence from the artisan boat builders at Maverick Yachts in Los Suenos, Costa Rica. It starts by getting up close and personal with the C.NicklausStarling sales team and the Maverick Yachts design team. We’ll want to know how you intend to use the boat, where you expect to use it, and the number of crew & guests you typically have aboard. We’ll press you for details about what you might have liked about previous boats, as well as those features you may not have cared for. One of the things we’re very good at is helping you visualize your dreams, so it simply starts with presenting us with your wish list that will ensure your Maverick Yacht is uniquely yours.


“I am proud to be the Naval Architect chosen by Maverick Yachts Costa Rica to design the boats they build. I have visited the factory in Costa Rica on many occasions, and have inspected several of the boats under construction. I have designed for several of the top name custom builders of sportfishing boats, and I have observed and supervised the construction of dozens of custom boats. I can say that the quality of construction, choice of materials and fit and finish are the equal of anything else being built today.”

Erwin Gerard, Naval Architect
EG Design

We want to make your new boat commissioning experience as pleasurable as possible. In order to facilitate this, we can break the commissioning process down to five phases:

  1. Pre-build Phase: From the moment we pop the bubbly and sign the agreement is when the real work begins, unless the boat is already in build then the build slot will be booked immediately and the initial specification will be submitted to the factory. During this period it’s usually possible to make minor specification changes as required although we ask that the major items such as layout and wood finishes are dealt with early on, but smaller spec items can normally be changed by agreement with the factory during this period.
  2. Factory Build Phase: Once the boat ‘enters production’ its specification is fixed and cannot be changed, this is to ensure the factory progresses smoothly and all the parts are correct. This cumulates in the completion of the boat within 12-24 months depending on the model of boat. Importantly this is the stage the factory will ask us to make payment for the boat prior to collection and we, in turn, will ask you for the balance of the funds.
  3. Delivery: From the factory to an agreed commercial commissioning port in the Southeast. We will agree on this mutually with you, there are some selected ports which we recommend and will discuss with you the best option for this when signing the original contract.
  4. Commissioning and Installation of After-market Equipment: (“local” or “dealer-installed” options) Upon arrival at the commissioning port, the Maverick Yachts team will fly in to inspect and fit any last details. This normally takes between 1-2 weeks and while we understand you’ll be very keen to have your new boat as soon as possible it is important that we do not rush this stage as we do not want errors or breakages along the way. First commissioning is one of the most important times in any boat’s life-cycle and we have to insist enough time is given to undertake correctly.
  5. Handover and Sea Trial: Maverick Yachts Project Manager, your C.NicklausStarling Yacht Broker, and you, the new owner, will do a sea trial and share the next round of bubbly to celebrate your new vessel!!